Where there is no prophetic vision the people cast off restraint...
Proverbs 29:18 ESV

This church is Spirit led, scripturally sound, and solely reliant on GOD and His goodness. This is a diverse church that reflects the demographic of the community that it is in. This is a welcoming, encouraging, uplifting, and fun environment to be in. This church is active in the community. This church is multi-generational. There’s a place for everybody. We don’t care if you’ve been here for a long time or if this is your first time, we love you just the same. This church is full of people who love well. This church doesn’t just gather, but we GO; Into our community, workplaces, and our world to shine the light of Christ. This church is creative! We believe that it is not just the secular world which should be on the cutting edge of creativity and culture, but that the church should have a seat at that table as well. This church is a generous church; in our language, finances, attitudes, service, and time. This church doesn’t just learn in rows; it learns in circles. Living life together in groups within our community. This church serves well. We believe that Jesus was the greatest example when it came to service. We model our service after His. This church exists to see the lost saved, the saved discipled, and the discipled making disciples.

This church is Spirit led, scripturally sound, and solely reliant on GOD and His goodness. This is a diverse church that reflects the demographic of the community that it is in. This is a welcoming, encouraging, uplifting, and fun environment to be in. This church is active in the community. This church is multi-generational. There’s a place for everybody. We don’t care if you’ve been here for a long time or if this is your first time, we love you just the same. This church is full of people who love well. This church doesn’t just gather, but we GO; Into our community, workplaces, and our world to shine the light of Christ. This church is creative! We believe that it is not just the secular world which should be on the cutting edge of creativity and culture, but that the church should have a seat at that table as well. This church is a generous church; in our language, finances, attitudes, service, and time. This church doesn’t just learn in rows; it learns in circles. Living life together in groups within our community. This church serves well. We believe that Jesus was the greatest example when it came to service. We model our service after His. This church exists to see the lost saved, the saved discipled, and the discipled making disciples.

“This church exists to see the lost saved, the saved discipled, and the discipled making disciples.”


  • Jesus is the Goal

    We model our lives after Jesus’ example.

  • People Matter

    We treat people with dignity and honor.

  • Committed to Community

    We do life together.

  • Generous Hearts

    We go above and beyond in our generosity.

  • City Care

    We will reach our city, because we care.

  • Service is the Standard

    We will be known for how we serve.

  • Longevity Wins

    We are in it for the long haul.